Cultivate Awareness
Gain Perspective
Act Effectively

What is
The Action

The Action Space is an online yoga studio offering a variety of physical practices. These practices can help to build an awareness of your body, your breath, and your mind.


Why Yoga?

The practice of yoga can help connect the mind to the body, creating an opportunity to cultivate a singular focus and concentration.

Why is it called the Action Space?
The Action Space means creating space and taking action. The physical practice of yoga provides a way to practice actions in the body and the opportunity to notice the effects of these actions. When we develop this practice on the mat, we create the possibility to apply it elsewhere in our life.


Yoga Practice Progression:
From Foundations to Peak Poses

This series of vinyasa yoga classes gives you an opportunity to start with the foundations of the practice and progress toward more challenging poses.

ONLINE YOGA workshop

Connect to center

Saturday, May 18  
3:30pm-5:00pm ET